

The Thunder is very happy to announce the hiring of our New Thunder Head Trainer . Ex Head College Coach Rich Borawski.
Rich will be in charge of the year round Training process of many of our Thunder teams , working with and hiring of our qualified trainers /coaches , Developing team programs , monitoring the developmental and preparation  process of our Thunder  teams as well as our Jaguars Hitting Coach . Another big step in our evolution . Welcome to the family .

If you are interested in a paid coaching position with the Long Island thunder please call  us at 516-369-7098 or email us at longislandthunder@aol.com for an interview




The Long Island Thunder Girls Fast Pitch Softball Organization is proud to uphold a family tradition. We participate in many tournaments and train in the winter.

Copyright 2024 Long Island Thunder Girls Softball. All rights reserved. 

IMPORTANT tryout update: See below, sneakers required

DUE to the impending weather. ALL 2012 and 2013 12u tryouts for Tuesday 8/6 , Wednesday 8/7 and Thursday 8/8 have been moved indoors to Thursday 8/8 5:30pm at Long Island Sports Complex 103 Mill Road Freeport New York 11520. 

If you need information for a private tryout, please email us at longislandthunder@aol.com 

***--- Anyone interested in trying out please email Longislandthunder@aol.com --- ***